Hello friend Xiaomi Pro Tool is a very good one for flashing so in this you can download the flesh file in the speed as you are in it will download the flash file like if the data is exhausted then you can also download it in bad where was stopped but then it will start from the same and in this tool you can remove edl mod frp mi account from edl mod fastboot without opening back panel of mobile and
With 1 credit, you can use fastboot to EDL mode via USB cable and manage your account in it. which tool link is sleeping
click here
Enter your email id and password, you can manage your account and open the tool, click on the register button, register by entering your email id and password, and login and give your email id to us and we will approve and give us the amount of credit you want to take Please do credit, we will give you and you can use, if there is any other problem then you can tell in the comment
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